Welcome to Southview Medical Group P.C.

Making Quality Healthcare

Convenient for our patients.

Our Mission

To be a multi-specialty health care organization which provides an environment for physicians and associates to be patient advocates and provide the highest quality patient care.

Continuing Education

Continuing Education is an integral part of the healthcare workers' occupation.  All Southview Medical Group certified personnel participate in various forms of continuing education to stay updated on changes in healthcare and procedures.  

Infusion Clinic

Infusion clinics are integral in various treatments like Rheumatoid Arthritis, dehydration, and Iron treatments.  Southview Medical Group's newly added infusion Clinic helps patients receive necessary treatments quickly and effectively.  



Vaccinations are key to staying healthy and minimizing your risks.  Southview Medical Group has many vaccines available, and more are becoming available seasonally.  

Ancillary Services

Diagnostic imaging and laboratory testing are essential for caring for patients with various conditions.  Southview offers many different services to help patients receive care and treatment.  


Since 1922

Southview Medical Group's history dates back to 1922 when Drs. Hirsch, Peters, and Lull began sharing office space in the Empire Building in downtown Birmingham. From that day forward, some of the city's most noted physicians have practiced within its walls.

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